C.R. Antiwar Movement on the Rebound

Posted on September 27, 2010


Socialist Action in Cedar Rapids participated in an anti-war march / protest in the Linndale Mall called for by Women for Peace – Iowa, drawing in total around ten people and raising our demand of “U.S. Out of Afghanistan and Iraq NOW!” amongst the public. We were well received amongst the general public present, highlighting the crucial fact that the majority of Americans are against the brutal policies of imperialism – and reminding those of us in the movement that the key task for anti-imperialists and revolutionaries is to bridge the gulf between silent, passive opposition and open mass action to end the wars and occupations.

Despite being followed by mall security for parts of the march, activists were able to distribute nearly a hundred anti-recruiting pamphlets at the local Army, Air Force, and U.S. Marines recruiting offices, a clear statement against the “poverty draft” that forces young working-class people to fight and die for imperialism just to have a chance at a future. We are hopeful that these pamphlets will change the minds of some desperate youth who are considering the military as their ticket to a better life. Protesters also took a firm stand against FBI intimidation and scare tactics against the movement, with several participants stating their solidarity with those activists in Minneapolis who had their homes criminally raided in retaliation against their anti-war work in the community.

Women for Peace hosts biweekly Mall Walks for Peace every other Sunday at the Linndale Mall from 4 to 5PM. Socialist Action in Cedar Rapids wholly supports all efforts to build the visible ranks of antiwar sentiment and will work to strengthen such actions in the future, bringing with us our convictions in mass action and independent political action of the working class and its allies as the only reliable path to change.

Photos forthcoming.

Posted in: antiwar, SA campaigns